Tue 21 September 2021
James's Advice To Help Others
Here is what I want other young people to know or here is what I wished I knew when I was in the thick of my depression. 1. Tell someone how you are feeling. So many other people have been down the same path and made it through to the other side, just like me. I got trapped in thinking I was all alone and that no one will understand. That person doesn't need to be a medical professional, just someone you trust and can be completely honest with.
Mon 13 September 2021
Being Proactive with Your Diagnosis
Just as I have had to trial different meds to find what works for me, I have also had to trial different counsellors to find the right fit and I have had to trial different coping strategies. No one else can dictate or prescribe these, you need to find the individual ones that work for you and your personal situation all while being sufficiently supported. Everyone has a story and this just happens to be mine.
Mon 06 September 2021
Teenage Domestic Violence
What started as lustful friendship slowly but ever so surely turned into obsession and control. I didn’t know that boyfriends were not supposed to manipulate you to engage in sex acts. Or that it’s not ok to have someone need to know where you are at ALL times and with who and to be in constant communication when not together.
Sun 29 August 2021
The Importance of Finding the Right Help
I am so grateful for my second experience, but I was so close to giving up on getting help after my first experience was so negative and it terrifies me to think of where I may have ended up. It is also so concerning how many other people give up after their first experience of counselling if it’s a negative one. I can’t stress enough that you really need to find the one that’s right for you.
Sun 22 August 2021
Psychosis, An Altered Reality
We take him to the hospital, after 5 hours in Emergency we see a Dr, they immediately give him antispsychotic medication. For 2 months William’s psychosis powers on. He is heavily medicated. He continues to escape locked wards; scales walls, jumps off the roof, breaks through windows. It is exhausting and the most frightening thing I have ever witnessed. As his Mum I can’t see an end to it.
Mon 16 August 2021
The Impact of a Workplace Bully
My manager was hostile, physically intimidating, verbally abusive and downright manipulative. If you cooperated, you would get the shifts you wanted or the leave you applied for but once you stood up to her, you became the next target.