Thu 20 October 2022
Coercive Control has been referred to as 'Intimate Terrorism'
Coercive control has been referred to as 'intimate terrorism'. It has been reported that many victim-survivors describe it as the 'worst part' of DV — more impactful and traumatic than physical violence, and more difficult to recover from. The hidden realities of psychological abuse can be incapacitating to victims and make it overwhelmingly difficult for them to leave.
Sun 14 August 2022
The Power of Gratitude
Whilst I don't have a diagnosis myself, I'm thoroughly conscious of the impact of vicarious trauma, and modelling what I teach to others. Gratitude has always been one such practice that has eluded me for many years, though I use it with my clients on a regular basis. The science behind gratitude is strong, and even though I know all of this, I still struggled to find a practice I could connect with until..
Mon 01 August 2022
From Surviving to Thriving
I was routinely beaten by both of my parents from as young as I can remember up until the age of eleven years old when my parents divorced. I was sexually abused from the age of four through to the age of eight years old. To this day they deny the truth and the level of abuse that I endured. Even with all of this, I was still in denial regarding my family, I was unable to truly see them clearly and I was holding onto an image of them that was not real.
Thu 14 July 2022
From Patient to Advocate
I saw the toll my illness took on my family. They aged. They didn’t discuss my illness or what they’d had been put through from my ‘stay’. I’m fairly sure they would have openly discussed and relied upon their mates if I’d been diagnosed with cancer. Mental illness really is still a different ball game. I actually got concerned about my parent’s mental health because of my mental illness. They were all at sea and struggling even more, because I was being flippant with my own health status.
Sun 24 April 2022
The Impacts of 'Trivial' Trauma
The important part of my story is I knew exactly what had triggered it, and I felt like it was a ridiculous over reaction to the actual incident. I was sexually assaulted catching a train to work. Now, I hate even using the word sexual assault, because while I know that’s what it is called, a man grabbed my butt when I walked past him, hardly end of the world stuff, but it was the end of mine.
Mon 17 January 2022
Working in Mental Health with My Own Diagnosis
I wish our clients knew how brave they were for not living in the shadows afraid of stigma, but also for owning their situation and not letting anyone else define them.