Workshop Cost of Caring NEWCASTLE

DATE 10 May 2024

TIME 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Price $220 pp

  • Understanding the concept of the Cost of Caring: Participants will gain a clear understanding of what the term "the cost of caring" entails, including its emotional, physical, financial, and social dimensions.


  • Recognition of Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue and Burnout: Participants will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout both in themselves and in others, particularly in the context of caregiving professions or roles.


  • Participants will gain an understanding of the impact of Trauma and Stress on the brain and brain development.


  • Exploration of Resilience Strategies: Participants will explore various resilience strategies and coping mechanisms to mitigate the negative effects of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue. This includes self-care practices, boundary-setting techniques, stress management strategies, and seeking social support.


  • Promotion of Growth and Post-Traumatic Growth: Participants will understand the potential for growth and transformation in the face of adversity, including the concept of post-traumatic growth. They will learn how experiences of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue can lead to personal and professional development, increased empathy, and enhanced resilience.


  • Building a Supportive Community: Participants will recognize the importance of building a supportive community within their professional and personal spheres to foster resilience and facilitate growth in the face of caregiving challenges.

Register for Cost of Caring NEWCASTLE

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